VideoShow Pro - Video Editor Apk

Monday, March 17, 2014
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video editor လုပ္နိုင္မယ့္ ဖုန္းေဆာ့ဝဲေလးပါ စတိုင္ပံုစံအမ်ိဳးမ်ိဳးလုပ္လို ့ရတယ္ဆိုထားပါတယ္ ျပီးေတာ့ Pro full version ဆိုေတာ့ play store မွာဆိုရင္ ဝယ္ရပါတယ္ ..စိတ္ဝင္စားရင္ သံုးၾကည့္လိုက္ၾကပါခင္ဗ်..


VideoShow bring excellent video editing experience to you. With minumum operations, you can make awesome video with photos and videos. Best of all, it's completely free video editor app, no ads! One video, various expressions. You can express yourself with video, photo, text, music, voice, filter effects, anything you want!
★The best and All-in-One video editor for Android★
★First Android video editor with intergrated editing enviroment, what you see is what you get★
★First Android video editor to add multiple subtitles, with accurate timing control★
★The most powerful video joiner, mix video and photo together ★

★(Exclusive) Intergrated video editor enviroment, What you see, is what you get!
★(New!) Make video with photos! Mix video and photo together!
★(Exclusive) You can add text to video. Multiple text can be added on your video, Adjust it with accurate timing, various colors.
★ (Exclusive) Add beautiful effects to your videos, Now five video filters supported, They are Georgia, Sepia, Recho, Sahara, Polaroid.
★ Add music, Trim it, instant preview with video
★ Trim your videos
★ Merge your videos. Different format videos can be merged
★ Export videos in two modes: Keep Video Quality/Compressed Quality.
★ Share your videos to youtube/facebook/twitter

Credit by pro-apk.net



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