Clean My Mac 2.2.6 (Mac OS X)

Sunday, July 20, 2014
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CleanMyMac makes space for the things you love. Sporting a range of ingenious new features, CleanMyMac 2 lets you safely and intelligently scan and clean your entire system, delete large, unused files, reduce the size of your iPhoto library, uninstall unneeded apps or fix the ones that started to work improperly, manage all your extensions from one place and do much more - all from one newly designed and beautifully simple interface.

- What's New Version 2.2.6:
- Updated Safety Database to v. 1.19.

- File Size 70 MB
- Improved Safari extensions naming.
- Improved application uninstallation algorithms.
- Improved detection of iPod Photo Cache.
- Updated built-in problem reporter. Now it allows to attach files. 

- Added an uninstallation survey.
- Bugs fixed:
- Improved Scheduler accuracy.
- Correct removal of files and folders with system immutable flag.
- Fixed scanning of hidden /Users folder in Large & Old Files.
- Fixed minor UI issues and crashes. 


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